5 Things You Can Do as an Ally

January 6, 2021

I had a different topic picked out for today but in lieu of recent events and the state of our country I wanted to speak on the above topic instead. I’ll be adding a recording of this blog post in a few days once I’ve chilled out a bit.

If you’re currently wondering why a lifestyle/fashion blogger is writing about such a topic, it’s because it matters deeply and I believe that bloggers with a platform need to be speaking on these issues.

If you’ve been keeping up with the news today you are probably; confused, sad, disgusted, hurt, angry and all of the above. I could say a lot of things in this blog post but what I want to focus on is the reminder that our country needs more allies. We are is desperate need of more people who are advocating and having honest conversations about prejudice and injustice.

America desperately needs allies in the; White House, court rooms, schools, work places, restaurants, clothing stores, etc. We need them literally everywhere. But what does it mean to be a true ally? What can just one person do? I have 5 things that I’d like to share om how YOU can be an ally.

1. Listen

This is probably one of the most important things you can do as an ally. Take the time to listen to what people are saying not just in face to face conversations but also on social media. Understand that you can never truly understand the discrimination that someone else has felt but through listening you can show empathy, you can begin to understand the issues and you can begin to understand that person’s feelings. Take some time to understand the “why” of the conversation you’re in. Are you listening out of curiosity to learn and truly advocate? Or are you listening out of obligation? If you are listening out of obligation, you need to take some time to re-evaluate your agendas.

2. Educate Yourself

This can be done in a plethora of ways. There are countless resources (books, articles, films, book clubs, etc.) that are available to every single one of us. Don’t put the responsibility of your education in the hands of someone else or a news station. It is your duty to educate yourself on what the core issues are, who it affects and how to be an ally. If you have the privilege of having folks around you who are open to honest conversations, utilize them but make sure that you are not making it their responsibility.  

3. Show Up & Stand Up

I have been guilty in the past of making excuses for racism. “Jokes” and comments have been made at my expense and the expense of my family in the past and I leaned on the excuse that they were just “jokes”. No matter who you are, you’ve either been at the center of a conversation or on the sidelines of a conversation that is “teasing” our marginalized communities. I’ll tell you from personal experience, it is not easy to stand up against these conversations. I think of situations I’ve been in and I consider what would have happened had I stood up and said, “No, what you just said to me is not a tease and I won’t stand for it.” But that is what is required of all us. That is how we majorly show up for; people of color, immigrants, the LBTQ+ community, women and people with physical or learning disabilities.

4. Get Involved

We are living in the era of social media and technology which means that there are a million ways to get involved right on the palm of your hands. Join a group online who is fighting against injustices, volunteer with organizations that are trying to advocate in their communities, follow accounts on Instagram that speak of real issues, subscribe to accounts that are making waves and advocating. However you choose to get involved, just do it!

5. Donate

We must put our money where our mouths are and commit to donating to organizations around the country that are fighting for equality. Commit to setting aside a portion of your budget for use at black owned businesses, businesses that support equality and businesses that are fighting for change. Money is what makes our country go round and it is extremely important that we are supporting these businesses now more than ever. Also do your research on companies that you are already giving your money to. Are they speaking out against these issues? Are they indifferent? Pay attention to where your hard earned money is going.

There is so much that can and should be done as an ally but I hope that this short list can get you thinking and considering where your time and money is going. I hope that in your search to be a better ally you can encounter wonderful souls to learn from. I hope that we can continue to educate on every platform and that it causes a ripple affect into our future and the future of our next generation.

If what I listed are things you are already doing, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Feel free to share this post with someone who is searching and looking to be a better ally.

I appreciate every single one of you.

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