How to Become a Morning Person

January 5, 2021

Is it really possible to become a morning person? I think it is!

Now this is coming from the ENFJ (if you’re not familiar with this, there will be more on it in a upcoming post) who is a morning person AND a night owl.

I have naturally been a morning person my whole life and I think that sometimes people assume that because I’m a morning person, I hate sleep. But that couldn’t be further than the truth!

I love sleep but I also have severe FOMO (fear of missing out). So much so, that when I was a baby my parents took me to a sleep specialist because my mom thought something was wrong with me due to me not wanting to take naps. The doctor eventually told them that there was nothing wrong with me (I’m not sure I trust wherever this doctor got his PhD hehe) but that I wasn’t sleeping because of how extroverted I am, I didn’t want to miss anything.

This is still true to this day! I value rest but I also feel very blessed with each day that I get to wake up and I’m always excited to see what the day holds.

I’m very much aware that this is not the case for everyone. So for those of you that aren’t naturally a morning person, I wanted to put together a little list of things that can help you if that is your goal.

Let’s get to it!

Letting light into the room

Light is a very significant thing because it tells our brain that the day has begun and it’s time to get up. Whether you’re opening the curtains as soon as you wake up or using artificial light, it can signal your brain to start waking up. I personally sleep with the curtains half way open because then in the morning the sun can start peaking through, which helps me wake up!

Get yourself moving quickly

I don’t know about you but it’s very easy for me to roll around in bed in the morning as a way to avoid getting up. Although that is something that I enjoy on weekends where I’m taking a work break, during the week I have major daily goals I want to accomplish which require me to be up and at em.

Whatever time you decide is your time to get up, get moving as soon as the alarm goes off! When we lay in bed scrolling through Instagram (guilty!), we‘re allowing time to just pass us by.

Move your alarm clock or phone

Anyone else super guilty of hitting snooze? It’s just so tempting so I say remove the option all together. If you move your phone across the room, you will have to literally get up in order to turn off the alarm, making your chances of crawling back into bed pretty slim. Do whatever works for you that can keep you from hitting snooze.

Be consistent

I’ll be the first one to admit that with how busy our lives get, it can be difficult to keep a consistent sleep schedule. But studies have shown that going to bed around the same time each night can make a huge difference at how easily you’re getting up in the morning. Personally what has helped me stay consistent is just simply prioritizing sleep. Now, don’t get be wrong I definitely have my moments where sleep and rest are the last thing on my mind. But for the most part when I focus on prioritizing sleep I am able to naturally keep a sleep schedule.

I hope these tips can be helpful to you in accomplishing your first task of the day- getting up! The next time you hear someone talking about how they are a morning person and you’re just sitting there being all envious or thinking about how that could never work for you, consider the above things. Remember that with diligence practice, you too can wake up singing with the birds and ready to tackle the day!

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