Signs You Probably Need to Take a Break

January 20, 2021

When was the last time you took a break? We are living in a time where many of us are working from home and although working from home can be absolutely wonderful, it can also keep us constantly in a state of work. In the past I have struggled to know when it’s time to take a break and recharge. Below I’ve put together a list of signs that might mean it’s time to either use some of that PTO or just simply plan time daily to relax and recharge.

  1. You have no energy during the day
  2. You’re getting negative
  3. You find it difficult to concentrate on tasks
  4. You’re indifferent about your day and its activities
  5. You lack motivation
  6. You feel overwhelmed
  7. You have insomnia
  8. You feel isolated
  9. Small things get on your nerves
  10. You are getting physically ill often
  11. You’re eating differently
  12. You aren’t enjoying your usual, favorite things

If some, or all of these describe you, don’t feel bad. I have been there before! It can be difficult to recognize when we need to take a step back to recharge and refocus. Sometimes we get so stuck in our routines and our work flow that it’s easy to neglect ourselves. Remember that we cannot pour from an empty cup. A break can be really helpful in rebooting your brain, allowing you to be a lot more productive once you do return to your work.

If these don’t describe you at all, it might still be a good idea to plan a little staycation or more consistent breaks throughout the day. It’s always a plus to manage stress before it becomes overwhelming or you feel out of control.

I’m making it a goal in 2021 to keep my cup full so that I can pour into others and into the work that I love. I hope you’ll join me in that! I would love to know in the comments or in DMs, what is something that you do to avoid burning out and feeling the above symptoms?

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